Disturbing New Study Finds Drug Errors During Surgery Are Far More Common Than Most Are Aware

In a new study reported in the journal Anesthesiology testing how often medication errors occur during surgery, researchers report that mistakes were made during almost half of the  operations they analyzed. The most frequently observed errors included drug labeling errors, incorrect dosing, drug documentation mistakes, and/or failing to properly treat changes in a patient's vital signs during surgery. According [...]

2015-10-30T01:12:13-05:00October 30th, 2015|Blog, Medical Malpractice|

Common Injuries Realized As The Result Of An Automobile Accident

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than three million people are injured each year in vehicle accidents across the country. Not all  automobile accidents are the same. Depending on various factors, some people walk away unscratched from an accident as dramatic as a rollover while others are paralyzed from a low speed collision. [...]

2015-10-15T13:34:18-05:00October 15th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Blog|

Drowsy Tractor Trailer Drivers On Tennessee Highways Is A Dangerous Problem

Since the 1930s, federal regulations have restricted the hours that a tractor trailer driver  can work without rest or sleep. Today, these regulations are contained in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s hours of service rules (HOS). Truck drivers must follow the HOS regulations if they drive a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). In general, a CMV [...]

2015-10-02T12:47:43-05:00October 2nd, 2015|Blog, Tractor Trailer Eighteen Wheeler Crash|

Advice On Employing A Common Sense Approach To Averting Distracted Drivers

Although all Tennessee drivers are aware of the laws regarding driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, distracted driving is somewhat of a gray area simply because most acts  of distraction are not illegal in most states. As a result the odds of you encountering a distracted driver while behind the wheel is statistically [...]

2015-09-27T20:20:48-05:00September 27th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Blog|

New Study Shows Foreign Objects Left In A Patient Post Operation Reaching New High

The Chicago Tribune recently reported that data released from an Indiana State Department of Health study show that medical errors at hospitals and health care facilities  in 2014 reached a new high. There were 114 of what the agency described as “preventable adverse medical incidents” last year. The incidents include everything from surgeries performed on the [...]

2015-09-15T02:55:58-05:00September 15th, 2015|Blog, Medical Malpractice|

Negligent Causes Of Fatal Automobile Accidents In Tennessee And Around The Country

In the United States, roughly 30,000 people each year are killed in automobile accidents.  In Tennessee, just under 1,000 people succumb to their death due to a fatal car collision.   This translates to 83 people dying on a daily basis in Tennessee due to car crashes.  The next question these statistics beg is what [...]

2015-09-02T00:46:04-05:00September 2nd, 2015|Auto Accidents, Blog, Wrongful Death|

Data From The Center For Disease Control Reveals Hospital Infections Occur Too Often

When you have to be emitted to the hospital, you expect your medical condition to be resolved and not to acquire new complications. However, studies have found that some patients are actually acquiring infections at hospitals, causing serious illness or even death. According to the data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as many [...]

2015-08-29T11:54:17-05:00August 29th, 2015|Blog, Medical Malpractice|

Bair Hugger Warming Blanket System Can Cause Serious Infection For Knee Or Hip Replacement Patients

A Forced Air Warming blanket (FAW) is a medical device designed to keep patients warm during orthopedic surgery and reduce the risk of infections. A lower body temperature, or hypothermia,  is a hazard for post operative diseases, therefore forced air warming blankets were introduced to keep the patient’s temperature stable during surgery. However, a study published in the Bone [...]

2015-08-28T14:09:46-05:00August 28th, 2015|Blog, Medical Malpractice|

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration Working On Minimizing Tractor Trailer Blind Spots

One of the biggest concerns for motorcyclists while traveling anywhere near a tractor trailer or commercial truck is the possibility that the truck driver will not see the motorcycle. The same could obviously be said of a person operating a four wheeled motor vehicle. The National Transportation Safety Board recently released a report asking the National Highway [...]

A Push To Mandate Cameras In Operating Rooms To Minimizing Injury Due To Medical Malpractice Has Begun

An August article in The Washington Post boldly asserted "a movement is afoot" among a group of people whose loved ones were injured or died due to medical malpractice. Supporters of the movement known as National Organization for Medical Malpractice Victims are seeking to require hospitals operating rooms to have video and audio recording mandatory during procedures.  And hospitals [...]

2015-08-02T20:39:37-05:00August 2nd, 2015|Blog, Medical Malpractice|