Texting While Driving In Tennessee Is An All Too Common Problem

As technology continues to advance whereby nearly everyone has a smartphone now, texting while driving isn't the only digital communication concern for Tennessee drivers. Tweeting, direct-messaging, facebooking and any  other form of digital communication via a hand held device is prevalent and a very dangerous task to perform while operating a vehicle. Yet many people on [...]

2015-04-20T15:43:50-05:00April 20th, 2015|Blog, Texting While Driving|

Thoughts On The Tennessee Motorcycle ‘Loud Pipes Saves Lives’ Debate

A simple google search of the keywords "do loud pipes save lives" will yield a myriad of opinions and accounts from the road by motorcycle enthusiasts. Motorcycle accidents by nature tend to be more traumatic than any other  auto accident.  They often involve serious injuries and can be personally and financially devastating. Despite the many stereotypes, [...]

2015-04-10T20:45:44-05:00April 10th, 2015|Blog, Motorcycle Accident|

Rand Corporation Study Finds No Healthcare Savings From Medical Malpractice Reform

In its quest to purportedly "create healthcare savings," the medical malpractice reform movement advocates setting caps on malpractice lawsuits as occurred in Tennessee. But, does this strategy actually work? It’s conventional wisdom that medical costs are too high. Likewise, physicians do worry about getting sued. As a result of these fears, doctors can order tests [...]

2015-03-30T17:34:24-05:00March 30th, 2015|Medical Malpractice|

Unapproved Knee Replacement Device Used In Surgery Harming Unknown Number Of Patients

One of the the most common elective surgeries in America is knee replacement. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention 700,000 knee replacement surgeries are performed each year year.  With an aging population driving demand, more companies are forming offering medical devices. OtisMed Corporation is one such company that marketed a product called "OtisKnee" [...]

2015-03-20T17:02:05-05:00March 20th, 2015|Blog|

Herbal Supplement Sold At Big Box Retailers Contains Unapproved Drugs That Can Cause Allergic Reactions

In February, The New York Times reported that the New York State attorney general’s office had accused four big box retailers of selling "fraudulent and dangerous herbal supplements" demanding Walmart, Target, Walgreens and GNC remove these  supplements from their shelves. The attorney general's action was primarily directed at the allegedly fraudulent sale of dietary supplements labeled as [...]

2015-03-04T19:13:35-06:00March 4th, 2015|Blog|

Tennessee Bill Would Allow People To Become Lawyers Without Going To Law School

It appears the Tennessee State Senate wishes to take the legal profession in Tennessee back to the 1800s. Perhaps they are using the infamous story of Abraham Lincoln as logic since he did not actually attend law school, but instead independently studied the law, registered with the Sangamon County Court in Illinois and passed an oral [...]

2015-02-25T16:35:13-06:00February 25th, 2015|Blog|

Another Outbreak Of The Deadly Superbug CRE Due To Endoscopes At UCLA Medical Center

As I wrote last month, a serious outbreak of a drug resistent superbug discovered in hospitals in three major American cities linked to a device not sufficiently sterilized but used in certain endoscopic procedures has resulted in sickness and in some cases death. Just last week, February 14, another hospital in a major city reported [...]

2015-02-15T17:22:45-06:00February 15th, 2015|Blog|

NTSB Seeking Improved Trucking Safety Due To Increase In Fatal Crashes

In a press release issued January 13, 2015 The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) stated it wants to "improve safety in the nation's commercial trucking industry and require that people with medical conditions be deemed medically  fit for duty before they can operate vehicles." The release further states the NTSB is seeking improvements in commercial trucking [...]

2015-02-02T17:19:39-06:00February 2nd, 2015|Auto Accidents, Blog|

Deadly Superbug From Contaminated Specialized Endoscopes Is Placing Patients At Risk

An outbreak of infections from hospitals in Seattle and other major cities including Pittsburg and Chicago has resulted in patients getting sick and some dying after contracting a superbug called carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae or "CRE." This bacteria is highly resistant to numerous antibiotics and can kill up to 50 percent of people infected, according to the Centers for [...]

2015-01-28T17:22:49-06:00January 28th, 2015|Blog|

Uninsured And Unregulated Rideshare Services’ Popularity May Pose Public Safety Issues

Rideshare services Uber and Lyft  have been getting a lot of attention in the media recently for a myriad of reason chief of which are the need for regulations of their services and questions about liability. Rideshare services are very similar to taxi services with a technological twist. They utilize smartphone apps to connect private [...]

2015-01-26T13:01:00-06:00January 26th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Blog|